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Overview: CDE's Computer Science Resource Bank contains a variety of materials for computer science educators, including standards, curricula, and materials for professional educator development as directed by H.B. 17-1884, Modern Technology Education in Public Schools.
The Ada Project
The Ada Project (TAP) is a clearinghouse for information and resources related to women in computing. TAP serves primarily as a collection of links to other online resources, rather than as an archive. TAP includes information on conferences, projects, disucssion groups and organizations, fellowships and grants, notable women in Computer Science, and other electronically accessible sites. The goal of TAP is to provide a central location through which these resources can be "tapped". TAP was named after Ada Lovelace and was started in 1994 at Yale University as an online resource for women in computing. Women@SCS, an organization at Carnegie Mellon University, maintains TAP on a volunteer basis. We have added a new section dedicated to the past and current famous women in computer science and technology including Ada Lovelace! You can check it out in the famous women section. We hope that you, the TAP user community, will help us keep TAP as up-to-date as possible. Please let us know if you wish to add a link or find any broken links. We also welcome your comments and feedback regarding use of the site.
Type of Resource:
- Curriculum
- Computer Programming
- Computing Systems and Networks
- Creativity
- Data Structures
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